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Buy One Gift One Program

A medical worker checking the feet of a newborn baby A medical worker checking the feet of a newborn baby

Buy One Gift One

Simulatie met een sociale impact

Uw opleiding kan helpen om levens van moeders en pasgeborenen over de hele wereld te redden​​

We zijn allemaal verbonden met een wereldwijde gemeenschap die zich inzet voor de bevordering van gezondheid en welzijn en het redden van levens. Dankzij iedereen die deelneemt aan het 'Buy one, Gift One'-programma, kunnen we delen met verpleegkundigen, verzorgers en verloskundigen die dezelfde waarden nastreven als wij, maar die niet over dezelfde middelen beschikken.


Ieder jaar bevallen 40 miljoen vrouwen zonder dat daarbij een bekwame verloskundige aanwezig is.​

287K​ mothers die due to pregnancy and birth complications
2.3M​ newborns die during the first month
1.9M​ babies are stillborn​

Together, we have an opportunity to ensure that women and newborns worldwide receive high-quality care by equipping health professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

7000 birthing simulators donated – How it works






Training programs


Skilled birth attendants

Buy One, Gift one, or BOGO, is a joint program by Laerdal Global Health and Laerdal Medical that facilitates distribution of birthing simulators in places where they're needed most. That’s how Buy One, Gift One can help.

For every MamaAnne, SimMomMamaBirthie or MamaNatalie purchased by Laerdal Medical customers for use in a high-income country, a MamaBirthie or MamaNatalie is donated to a selected partnership program in a community in need.

These simulators are being distributed to partners, together with educational materials, to enable healthcare providers with training opportunities like the Helping Mothers Survive Program and SimBegin, to manage the leading causes of maternal and neonatal mortality. They’re used by healthcare providers to gain hands-on experience to manage obstetric emergencies, practice delivery techniques, and improve their competence and confidence. Laerdal Medical customers provide the donations and Laerdal Global Health strategically allocates the simulators to partner programs with high-impact potential.

We invite you to join us

Simulate with impact