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Nursing Kid

Il manichino per l'addestramento alle procedure cliniche dei professionisti ospedalieri pediatrici

Informazioni Prodotto

Questa riproduzione a corpo intero di un bambino di sei (6) anni è finalizzata alla simulazione e pratica di una gamma completa di procedure di assistenza al paziente con l'ulteriore opportunità dell'auscultazione di rumori. 

Caratteristiche generali del manichino base

  • Articolazioni realistiche che consentono la pratica di una serie di esercizi di movimento passivi, tecniche di transfert pediatrico nonché la simulazione e assistenza di un bambino in trazione
  • Possibilità di praticare tecniche di medicazione e bendaggio

Testa con reperi anatomici, trachea ed esofago, nonché polmoni e stomaco simulati che consentono l'esecuzione di svariate procedure:

  • Igiene dell'orecchio, dell'occhio, del naso e della bocca
  • Inserimento delle vie aeree orofaringea e nasofaringea e relativa aspirazione
  • Inserimento, ancoraggio e igiene di tubi endotracheali
  • Igiene della tracheotomia e aspirazione tracheale
  • Svariate procedure di somministrazione dell'ossigeno
  • Inserimento, igiene, somministrazione di farmaci e rimozione del sondino nasogastrico, nonché lavanda gastrica e "gavage"
  • Possibilità di praticare iniezioni intramuscolari bilateralmente nelle cosce e nella regione glutea e ventro-glutea

Nursing Kid Features:



Testa con reperi anatomici, trachea ed esofago, nonché polmoni e stomaco simulati che consentono l'esecuzione di svariate procedure

Pediatric Trauma Modules

SimPad PLUS System

  • SimPad che consente di ottenere rumori comandati dall'istruttore per l'auscultazione di rumori cardiaci, del polmone destro, del polmone sinistro e intestinali
  • Braccio IV articolato che consente la terapia endovenosa periferica e l'igiene del sito d'infusione con possibilità di venipuntura nella fossa antecubitale e sul dorso della mano
  • Genitali intercambiabili, con raccordi e serbatoio urinario, per l'esecuzione di procedure d'assistenza urologica quali la simulazione di igiene perineale e l'applicazione della sacca di raccolta dell'urina
  • Genitali, con raccordi e serbatoio del colon, che consentono di eseguire l'enteroclisma utilizzando del liquido per ottenere un risultato realistico
  • Possibilità di aggiunta di suoni vocali mediante SimPad
  • Funzioni di scenario e registrazione del SimPad

Specifiche Tecniche

Nursing Kid is a full-body, lifelike manikin realistically representing a six-year old child designedfor skill and scenario-based training of a complete range of pediatriccare procedures. Nursing Kid with SimPad sounds technology allows for auscultation and recognition of normal and abnormal heart, breath and bowel sounds.

Patient Care

Head with anatomical landmarks, trachea, and esophagus, along with simulated lungs and stomach, allow the practice of many procedures.

  • Eye, ear, nose and mouth care including
    • Simulated medication application / instillation
    • Simulated irrigation of the eye and ear
    • Nasal packing
    • Oral hygiene
  • Anatomical patent airway for
    • Insertion, securing, and care of endotracheal tubes
    • Insertion and suctioning of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal airways
    • Various oxygen delivery procedures
  • Tracheostomy opening with removable plug for care and suctioning
    • Lungs can be filled with fluid for realistic suctioning
  • NG tube insertion, care, medication administration, and removal
    • Stomach reservoir will hold fluid for practice of gastric lavage and gavage
  • Manually generated carotid pulse
  • Injection sites include deltoid, bilateral thigh and dorsogluteal
  • Full range of motion for realistic patient handling
  • Pediatric transfer techniques possible
  • Dressing and bandaging techniques possible

Interchangeable Male and Female Genitalia

  • Can be attached to urinary and colon reservoirs via connector valves
  • Urinary valves give the natural resistance felt when catheterizing
  • Complete urinary catheterization
  • Will retain indwelling or straight catheter
  • Anal valves simulate the internal anal sphincter
  • Enema procedures may be performed using fluid for realistic return
  • Perineal care

Articulating IV Training Arm

  • Allows peripheral intravenous therapy and site care
  • Venipuncture is possible in the antecubical fossa and dorsum of the hand
  • Accessible veins include median, basilic and cephalic
  • Replaceable skin and infusible vein system

SimPad PLUS Capabilities

A SimPad PLUS System is required for operation of the NursingKid SimPad Capable. The SimPad PLUS System is sold separately. See the SimPad PLUS System page for more information.


  • Heart sounds synchronized with programmable ECG
  • Auscultated lung sounds synchronized with breathing rate, 0 - 60 BPM
  • Individual lung or bilateral sound selection
  • Normal or abnormal bowel sounds
  • Vocal sounds – computer-generated sounds, recorded vocal sounds and real-time voice input (via headset, sold separately)

Heart Sounds

Synchronized with programmable ECG

  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Austin Flint Murmur
  • Systolic Murmur
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse
  • Stills Murmur
  • Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)
  • Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
  • Normal Heart Sounds

Lung Sounds

Synchronized with breathing rate, 0 – 60 bpm

Individual lung or bilateral sound selection

  • Coarse Crackles
  • Fine Crackles
  • Pneumonia
  • Stridor
  • Wheeze
  • Rhonchi
  • Normal Breath Sounds

Bowel Sounds

Normal and abnormal bowel sounds

  • Borborygmus
  • Hyperactive Bowel
  • Hypoactive Bowel
  • No Sound
  • Normal Bowel

Vocal Sounds

Computer-generated sounds, recorded vocal sounds and real-time voice input (via headset, sold separately)

  • Cough
  • Vomit
  • Moan
  • Scream
  • SOB Breathing
  • "Yes"
  • "No"

Simulated Parameters

  • User can set blood pressure level and make it gradually change over time
  • User can set temperature level (in Celsius or Fahrenheit)and make it change gradually over time
  • User can set the SpO2 level and make it change gradually over time
  • Blood pressure, temperature and SpO2will be displayed on the SimPad (handheld) and optional Patient Monitor

Scenario / Logging Functions

  • Utilize SimDesigner, a PC software tool, for creating Automatic Mode Scenarios with States, Interventions, Trends and Handlers
  • Utlilze Theme Editor, a PC software tool, for developing Manual Mode Themes with States and Interventions
  • Upload Scenarios and Themes from a PC via a USB or download scenarios directly from SimStore.
  • Download log files to a PC (using SimViewer software) to view/print/save or import to SimView and SimManager
  • All interventions, vital signs and notes are time stamped and will be captured in the SimPad data log
  • The SimPad log files can be viewed on the SimPaddevice or on a PC for post-simulation reflection and debriefing


SimCenter™ is your simulation resource, offering comprehensive tools for every phase of the simulation process, from accessing validated content to debriefing. It makes your simulation and assessment processes easier, all so you can focus on your main goal: Teaching. SimCenter is a fully integrated system that includes:

  • SimStore™
  • SimDeveloper™
  • SimManager™
  • SimView™

Visit to learn how to fully optimize the resources offered for Nursing Kid.

Nursing Kid SimPad PLUS Capable Includes:

Pediatric Full-body Male Manikin

Multi-Venous IV Training Arm

Hospital Gown

Manikin Lubricant

Assembly Tool Kit

Nursing Kid is available in Light, Tan, and Brown skin tones.

Optional Accessories:

Pediatric Trauma Module Set
- Various wounds can be added to manikin for realism in wound assessment and patient care scenarios.
- Trauma Module Set also available in brown and tan skin tones

Pediatric IO Leg
-Lifelike lower leg (right) with simulated tibia for practicing medical and fluid administration through intraosseous infusion.
-Pediatric IO Leg also available in brown and tan skin tones