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PROMPT Flex Birthing Simulator

PROMPT Flex är idealisk för att träna hanteringen av  högrisk-  lågfrekventa händelser och minska komplikationer. Den mångsidiga och modulära designen ger användaren en heltäckande upplevelse i alla faser av födelsen och dess komplexitet. Passar för både yrkesutbildning och vårdgivare.

Konfigurera PROMPT Flex efter dina behov

Välj antingen Standard eller Advanced PROMPT Flex innan du lägger till ytterligare moduler, så att du kan utöka användningen för livmoderhalsbedömning, kejsarsnitt och postpartum blödningar (PPH).

PROMPT Flex - Standard

PROMPT Flex - Standard is an ideal training solution for all skills relating to routine and difficult deliveries, and can be used for both hybrid simulation and stand-alone skills proficiency.

PROMPT Flex - Advanced

PROMPT Flex - Advanced offers additional functionality, allowing multiple scenario training, monitoring and recording actions, including interventions made, and time to deliver the baby. Force monitoring provides visualization for proper delivery and for learners to see and feel appropriate force required with hands on experience and feedback.

PROMPT Flex Standard and Advanced comparison

  Standard Advanced
Communication & team work skills
Normal birth
Breech birth
Shoulder dystocia management
Assisted deliveries (forceps & vacuum devices)
Delivery of placenta
Cord prolapse
Urinary catheter placement
IM injection pads
Force feedback of baby’s head  
Recording of scenarios & force monitoring  

PROMPT Maternity Foundation virtual online course

Expand your team training with the free PROMPT online course. This e-learning package provides a locally-relevant update for all your maternity staff.

Read more & sign up

Additional training modules

For training in the management of post-partum bleeding. The Post Partum Haemorrhage Module offers a realistic... For training in the management of post-partum bleeding. The Post Partum Haemorrhage Module offers a realistic simulation of an atonic and contracting uterus.
The Caesarean Section Module provides the opportunity for learners to prepare for high-risk, complicated births.... The Caesarean Section Module provides the opportunity for learners to prepare for high-risk, complicated births. This module provides a realistic representation of anatomical layers and allows learners to practice dissection and closure...
With this module learners are able to practice, assess and experience both normal and complicated births through... With this module learners are able to practice, assess and experience both normal and complicated births through the progress of labor including evaluation of cervix, fetal station and position and management of latent, active and...